Thursday, September 23, 2010

so called study week...

officially last week should be the last week of the academic week
week 14... but MMU forced this week to be the study week
i guess it's the continue break for RAYA + malaysia day

i was very sorry to say that...
i didn't know what was malaysia day
i only know national day (aug 31st)
after i heard from friends only i knew what is it...

last week + this week (1st week of exam)
still a study week for me
cuz my 1st paper will be starting on sat

i spent most of my time...
averagely, i only read a slide per day (one slide around 40 pages)
sad nya~

i guess my progress will be better if i can online
now i can't even download lecture notes (latest notes i mean)

i can't wait for tomorrow to come
course i'm going to meet with long lost frenz...
10 years okay...
now i'm 22, so i lost those friends at 12
standard 6 XD

but i don't really want sat to come...
cuz my 1st paper will be on sat
i'm so called finished studied
the lecture slides only...

hope i can score A then XD

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